Repeat Prescriptions

Please request repeat medications via the NHS WalesApp, through your pharmacy if they offer this facility, by emailing your request to the reception team ( or by posting a repeat prescription request to the outside post box by the surgery front door.


Please note that if you are ordering a repeat prescription item through the NHS Wales App, you should do so within 28 days of your last prescription for that item (otherwise the system will not display that item on the list). If there is an item you want that is not showing on the order list, then please use the free text box to request that item.


The Practice has a significantly higher than normal demand for prescriptions.  We need a minimum of 3 full working days to fulfil a repeat prescription request. Any prescription requests received after noon will be treated as having been received the following day. Please ensure that you factor in enough time for the pharmacy to dispense your medication when requesting repeat medications as some pharmacies request up to 72 hours for this. 


Unfortunately, we do not take repeat prescriptions over the telephone and please note, that repeat prescriptions are not automatically generated by the practice. 



Medication Reviews

Any medication that you take has to be reviewed annually to ensure that it is offering the best possible results for you.  If you have been told you need to book a medication review, please contact the practice and you will be able to book a telephone or face to face appointment for a medication review with GP.  


Blood and Test Results

Blood Tests:  Blood test appointments are only given for the mornings. This is because they are transported to the test Laboratory in the afternoon.  Phlebotomy is provided by the Health Board on Tuesday -  Friday mornings.


Blood Results:  Please allow a minimum of 5 working days for the tests to be returned from the laboratory.  The practice will contact you if any of your results identify the need for a further consultation, a retest or further investigations. 


Other Test Results:  As above for timings, unless told otherwise by the GP or Nurses.


Sick Notes

Self Certification: You should self certify for the first 7 days of your sickness absence. These forms should be available from your employer.


Medical "Fitness Certificates" (Med 3) can only be requested from the day a current note runs out or the 8th day of absence. DO NOT WAIT until this day to make an appointment. 


Sick notes extenstions can be requested via e-consult.  New sick notes need to be requested by making a routine appointment with one of the doctors.


Sick notes can be back dated. However, with the changes to welfare benefits we can not accept responsibility for loss of benefits should continuation of sick notes be compromised due to late request. So please, to avoid issues with continuation of your sick notes, you must request sick notes by telephone call before the day they run out.

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