What To Expect From Your GP Practice 

Making an Appointment

If you have a medical emergency, a critical or life threatening problem call 999.

 Here are some examples of an emergency: 

  • Unconsciousness
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • A suspected heart attack
  • Heavy blood loss
  • Serious injury
  • Severe burns

You can request an "urgent on the day" consultation every day. For patient safety each GP session will be limited to a maximum number of patients, when this limit is reached and the session is full you will be booked into the afternoon session, or maybe the following day.   


Please Note: On the Day bookings are for urgent consultations which you feel can not wait for a routine appointment. 


For minor issues requiring Over The Counter remedies and medicines you should consult your Local Pharmacist. Please see the Choose Pharmacy page for more information.


EConsult is an online platform that can be used to request non-urgent clinical advice or administrative help.  Please see our eConsult section for more information. 


Booked Telephone Appointments

Our GPs are extremely busy and we are unable to specify a time when the doctor will phone you. If you miss the call, the GP may not have time to call you again and you may need to make a further appointment.


Choose Well with NHS Direct

Choose Well helps you decide who you should go to for appropriate attention.

Website link: http://www.nhsdirect.wales.nhs.uk/choosewell/

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